International Trade (IEL3)
This course will provide students with analytical tools to understand globalization through international trade in goods. Topics include the reasons for trade, the effects of trade on development and inequality, and the implications of protectionism.
Grades are based on a tutorial exam (50%) and a final exam (50%).
- Feenstra R.C., Taylor A., International Economics, 2nd Ed., Worth Publisher.
- Krugman P., Obstfeld M., and Melitz M., International Economics: Theory and Policy, Pearson, 9th Ed.
- Globalization: Historical Perspective Print
- Ricardo: Productivity and Comparative Advantage Print
- Heckscher, Ohlin and Samuelson: trade and wages – Print
- Monopolistic competition and international trade between similar countries – Print
- The law of Gravity– Print
- Multinational Firms– Print
Corporate Income Taxation in a Globalized Economy (M1)
In this seminar, you'll learn economic tools to analyze corporate taxation in our globalized and digital world. We'll focus on why companies choose certain locations. Nowadays, they spread their production and sales across countries based on market size, gravity, and taxes.
Textbooks and Materials
- Lecture slides and materials available in PDF format.
- OECD, IMF, and academic papers on corporate taxation.
Chapters and Materials
- Corporate Income Taxation: Fundamental Concepts – Print
- Seminar Overview – Print
Quantitative International Economics (IEM2)
This lecture covers advanced topics in international economics with a focus on quantitative techniques, including structural gravity models and trade policy analysis.
Students will gain insights into both theoretical and empirical aspects of modern trade economics.
Grades are based on an essay submission, assessing comprehension and application of the discussed methodologies.
Head, K., & Mayer, T. (2014). "Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook", Handbook of International Economics, 4th ed. See also the Gravity Cookbook Website
Costinot, A., & RodrÃguez-Clare, A. (2014). "Trade Theory with Numbers: Quantifying the Consequences of Globalization", Handbook of International Economics, 4th ed.
Yotov, Y. V., Piermartini, R., Monteiro, J. A., & Larch, M. (2016). An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model. Geneva: World Trade Organization.
Chapters and Materials
- Basic Concepts –
Structural Gravity Applications –
General Equilibrium Analysis with the Gravity Model: Theory and Applications –
Disclaimer: Most slides and materials are adapted from Yotov, Y. V., Piermartini, R., Monteiro, J. A., & Larch, M. (2016).
Student Materials: Download all relevant slides and supporting content from